A Real Patient Shares Her Story With 整形手术
“你想做整形手术? 就像……一个名人?”
I still remember my sister’s reaction when I told her I had scheduled a 腹部除皱. Many of the friends and family I shared 与 were supportive of my decision, 但有些人不理解. I suppose I can see their perspective; I was settled down. 做妈妈很开心. 为什么 I 需要手术?
My husband and I knew we were finished having children after our last kid. I actually worked quite hard to slim down after so I could get back to feeling like myself again.
但在内心深处,你能看出来我有个孩子. 你看得出来 三个. 我已经认不出自己的身体了. I didn’t feel necessarily embarrassed, but I definitely wasn’t happy 与 what I saw in the mirror. 是的,我的身体强壮而能干. And yes, it allows me to do things that I need to do in life. 我爱现在的自己,但是, I couldn’t help thinking… was there something I could have done to prevent this?
But What About Just Accepting Your Body the Way It Is?
我喜欢你在网上看到的身体积极运动. 我认为这很重要. I genuinely believe that seeing other women post and express their gratitude for their own bodies opened up my heart to love mine more. 对此我非常感激.
不过,母亲们面临的这个问题并不新鲜. After kids we are supposed to apply our drugstore creams, 抱最好的希望, eventually resign to never show our stomachs in public again. Eventually, I found out that plastic surgery actually isn’t so uncommon anymore. Women are getting 腹部除皱s after having children to feel stronger, not just to look slimmer.
这就是为什么我决定为自己做这件事. Not because I hate my body… it’s because I love it.
我有一个。 腹部除皱 与 腹部抽脂, 隆胸和隆胸手术. 我的结果令人难以置信. I feel like I went through a complete transformation, 精神上和身体上, 成为最好的自己.
Together, they call this a 妈妈改造, which can look different for every person. Mine was perfect for addressing my specific concerns, but someone else’s could be a completely different set of procedures.
我找到了博士. Donaldson through a mix of word-of-mouth and Google searching, as I imagine most people do. One of my coworkers had chosen to have her surgery 与 him, she is the kind of person who would definitely tell me if there were any issues 与 her experience. 然而, 她热情洋溢地推荐了他, which was one of my final deciding factors when choosing this practice.
The one major tip I have for preparing for surgery is to remain zen. Maybe it’s the mom in me that looks for what might go wrong, but as long as you review all of the information they give you and ask your questions along the way, 一切都会很顺利.
其次,做好调查研究. I spent several hours a week doing research online into what questions to ask. 在唐纳森, 他们是专家, but they didn’t expect me to be one — they explained everything thoroughly and in great detail, 我非常感激.
一位妈妈为自己做了一件事! 令人震惊的,对吧?
我的研究结果 妈妈改造 让我成为了一个更快乐的人. If we compare the amount I spent and 与 the number of days I have made better because of it, 这个花费是百分百值得的. Even if my body is completely covered, I still love knowing how I look underneath. I feel more agile, more capable, more comfortable talking to new people. 当我走进一个房间, 我有这个新打火机, positive energy that my coworkers have definitely noticed.
我意识到在生孩子之前我是多么想念自己的肚子, 我的核心肌肉似乎更强壮了, 我的胸部感觉多么美丽. 不知怎么的,我失去了澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 但现在我记得那是什么感觉了. 我又有了同样的感觉,甚至更多.
在一天结束的时候, 我很感激这种做法, but mostly I’m just proud of myself for taking the steps to get to where I want to be.
Sarah is a 36-year-old working mom of 三个 living in Columbus, OH. While she loves sharing about her results, she also values her personal privacy. While she has opted to not reveal her last name or a picture, she hopes her words resonate 与 other millennial moms who feel pressure to love themselves unconditionally but also face unrealistic beauty standards in the digital age.
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Board-certified experts debunk prevalent plastic surgery myths 与 scientifically sound information to foster a better understanding of what actually happens in the operating room.
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强壮的下巴已经成为男子气概的象征, 是什么原因导致越来越多的男性寻求手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, nonsurgical and even exercise options to improve the appearance of their jawline.
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While 妈妈改造 surgery is most often associated 与 aesthetic improvements, its functional and emotional benefits are equally significant for mothers.